Glitch Overview

Note: Some glitches are not featured on the spreadsheet. Primarily outdated or segmented strategies.

General Glitches and Tricks

Here are a couple general glitches, tricks, and general strategies that can be used throughout the run.

Movement Optimization

Walking directly forward is the fastest way to move in Halo CE by a small margin. Strafing and backpedalling are both 12% slower than walking straight forwards, while moving diagonally forward (W+A or W+D) is 5% slower than walking forwards. Because of this, it is optimal to move with only W (forward on joystick) whenever possible. Jumping up and down slopes is also marginally faster.

You can fling yourself in a direction using a vehicle, launching you forwards very quickly. This can be done with the Banshee, Ghost, and most notably the Warthog, which is used often in runs for getting through the door at The Silent Cartographer, and for getting to places faster on Halo.

Combat Techniques

Backpack reloading - can be done by pressing the reload button twice, then switching to your other weapon. If done correctly, your weapon in your backpack will reload while you have your other weapon out. This is an essential and very common technique used in runs.

Double melee - can be done by meleeing, then throwing a grenade and meleeing again. The animation of the melee will be canceled, and you'll do a second melee very shortly afterwards. this is uncommon to use, but can be used for emergency combat situations.

Noob combo - common multiplayer combat technique where you overcharge an enemy using a plasma pistol, and finish them off with a pistol or sniper rifle.

Chain reaction - grenades will explode upon contact with another explosion in a nearby radius. Keep this in mind when using grenades of your own, and of enemy grenades.

Allied and Enemy Notes

Red Elites (Elite Majors) have more health than Blue Elites (Elite Minors). Cyan Elites (Stealth Elites) are invisible and have no shields. Gold Elites that you encounter in the speedrun only carry swords, and they have much more shields and are way more aggressive. Gold Elites will always drop two plasma grenades on death. Silver Elites (Spec Ops Elites) throw plasma grenades very often, and can drop a wide range of grenades from 0-6. The best way to kill all elites is to noob combo them, except for stealth elites, which you kill in a single headshot or with two body shots.

Fuel Rod Grunts drop their fuel rod upon dying, which explode shortly afterwards causing chain reactions.

Hunters can die in one pistol or sniper shot to the orange fleshy parts of their body on any difficulty.

Rocket Flood are one of the banes to Halo CE speedrunning. They can shoot a rocket at the instant they see you, as well as from far distances. Most likely to be the highest priority to kill.

Vehicles are extremely dangerous. If a vehicle hits you at any speed while you are vulnerable you will instantly die.

Sniper Rifle marines are the most powerful allies in the game. They can quickly dispatch of enemies with their perfect aim. If they are aggroed to you, make sure you kill them as they can and will kill you very quickly.